dinsdag 14 juni 2011

3th place North Sea Regatta 2011

This weekend we've sailed the North Sea Regatta at Scheveningen.
Saturday was the first day of te event. The first and third race we did quit a good job. The second race we had a bad start and we didn't came back in the up or downwind. We ended the day with our 'SAPPH-borrel' and a performance of Anouk (famous dutch singer). Sunday we had 4 races. We sailed the first race very bad. We endend in the back. The other 3 races we had the same results as the day before: 3-2-5. Today was an exciting day. The first race we sailed not very well. We came back in the first race, we finished as 3th boat. The last race we had some trouble with the mainsheet, we couldn't fix it on the water and sailed the downwind with a closed sail. We finished as last boat. We thought we lost our 3th position overall with that last race. But when we where at the pricegiving and they called our names for the 3th place, we where very relieved and happy!


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