maandag 14 februari 2011

Happy Happy Joy Joy!!!

From now on we're writing our stories in english, so everybody can follow our Blog, jiihaaaaaaa!! If it's not all correct english, just find your way through the stories, I'm sure you'll get the clue ;).

This weekend it was finally good enough to GET WET!!! The sun was shining, 8 degrees, not a lot of breeze, but enough to make it a good trainingday. The subjects of this training were: sailing backwards, positioning in the starting area and starts. Sailing backwards went well. Positioning in the starting area was a challenge with a lot of F18's, we learned a lot. But our trainings schedule would't be complete without our famous gymnastic trics. Well...they didn't went very smoothly this first training, the winterperiod made us kind a like Pinocchio, but I'm sure it will get better in the next few weeks.

So watch us!!!!

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