maandag 27 juni 2011

We SURVIVED the round of Texel...

...which started with around 25 knots of breeze....yeah, the weathergods weren't really with us...BUT we really wanted to go and it was pretty exciting!! We made three double one eightee kick front flips, which I think looked really cool...but it was also pretty exhausting. The result: we rounded the island!!

We'll post some NICE pictures of this event very soon!!!

donderdag 23 juni 2011

Preparing for the 'Round of Texel'

And there we are, at Texel. We arrived Tuesday (we almost didn't make it for the last ferry to Texel, because we took a wrong turn and end up on the 'Afsluitdijk'...BUT we were not the only one, also Elke Delnooz and Mark Geering (F18, W-pro) took the wrong direction, so we all raced back to the ferry, and with only a few minutes to spare we made it in time!!). Now we're preparing for Saturday, for the famous Round of Texel...

dinsdag 21 juni 2011

Team SAPPH ready for TEXEL!

Here our new team outfits ;). Tomorrow starts the texel dutch open, we'll be there...

donderdag 16 juni 2011

SAPPH photoshoot

Today we were at the photoshoot of SAPPH lingerie. We saw some beautiful models at work; striking poses, wearing different peaces of was pretty exciting to watch. And then it was our turn: they turned two 'innocent' sail-girls into real divas! And then we had this little photoshoot and we're waiting for the don't forget to peek sometimes on our blog ;)  

dinsdag 14 juni 2011

3th place North Sea Regatta 2011

This weekend we've sailed the North Sea Regatta at Scheveningen.
Saturday was the first day of te event. The first and third race we did quit a good job. The second race we had a bad start and we didn't came back in the up or downwind. We ended the day with our 'SAPPH-borrel' and a performance of Anouk (famous dutch singer). Sunday we had 4 races. We sailed the first race very bad. We endend in the back. The other 3 races we had the same results as the day before: 3-2-5. Today was an exciting day. The first race we sailed not very well. We came back in the first race, we finished as 3th boat. The last race we had some trouble with the mainsheet, we couldn't fix it on the water and sailed the downwind with a closed sail. We finished as last boat. We thought we lost our 3th position overall with that last race. But when we where at the pricegiving and they called our names for the 3th place, we where very relieved and happy!


zondag 12 juni 2011

SAPPH borrel

Everyday day you are able to SAIL, is a day you have to remind yourself of how lucky you are to have this possibility!! Because of that, and because of the fact that during the North Sea Regatta in 2010 the whole idea of a new ladies team was born, we invited all sailors to our 'SAPPH-Julie-Sanne's way of life'  BORREL (=drink). We want to thank Rob Heilbron (SAPPH), Hobiecat Holland and all sailors who joined us at our borrel!!!  

Tomorrow the 3th day of the North Sea Regatta, fingers crossed!!

zondag 5 juni 2011

Kust Zeil Evenement (Coast Sail Event) 2011

This weekend we had the 'Kust Zeil Evenement' in Hoek van Holland. On Thursday and Friday we had a trainingday to get used to the sea and the waves. Saturday: first eventday, 16-19 knots, waves and a lot of sun. First race didn't went well, but the 2th and 3th race we sailed much better.

After the first eventday we went to the Summer Jazz Festival in Leiden, where we met de band: 'Good Luck' from South Africa.....they were amazing!!! But Jules Deelder (Dutch poet and writer) did well too...


Sunday: second eventday, less breeze than Saturday but much bigger waves...and no sun...BUT, we did quite a good job. At the end we won 3th place! (Serie: 5, 2, 2, 3, 2, 4. The 5 has been discarded) We worked really hard this weekend, we gave it the best we could, so we look back with a satisfied feeling to this event.
Next week North Sea Regatta!!!