woensdag 4 mei 2011

Eurocat 2011 Carnac: 1th Hobie 16 ladies team Long Distance Race

After a short night of sleeping yesterday, we where driving home to the Netherlands. We had a great weekend with pretty results.  
Friday we’ve had 3 short races. The first race we start not very well. We took the wrong side and finished in the back. The second race we did much better. We start as one of the first boats and finished as 6th hobie 16. The last race was cancelled in the last downwind. There was no wind anymore. We ended the day in de Flamenco to celebrate Queens night.

Saturday was the long distance. We had a bad start, but came back when we made our first tack and had free wind. We finished as 4th hobie 16 and first hobie 16 ladies team!!! (There were 37 Hobie 16's) 

Sunday we started at 9.00 o'clock. It was raining and we had 20knots of wind. After the first race we had some trouble with Julie’s trapezehook. We had to go back and fixed it. When we arrived at the mainland we found out we didn’t checked in (we know...stupid...it won't happen again...). We reduced our boat and watched the f18 match. Sappie is now at hobie in Noordwijk, because a Hobie dragoon bit him in the right hull, and that hurt a little bit...but he's gonna be OK!

Start Long Distance Race

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