dinsdag 10 mei 2011

'Non sailing weekend'

While our Hobie 16 'Sappie' was being repared, we decided to give him a special treatment too. We gave our new gennaker a special bath and we have cleaned the boat.

This weekend was a 'non sailing weekend' (boat is still at Hobie for reparation)....and I can tell you, it felt really strange...haven't had a 'non sailing weekend' for a long time. And what do we do if we don't sail? Watching another really interesting sailing class: de Regenboog (http://www.regenboogclub.nl/). This time on a real luxury boat...well, I can tell you, it's not a punishment at all to have some weekends like this, but: Can't wait for Sappie to be whole again!

Next weekend 'step up days', which means that people who are interested in Catamaran sailing, with no experience, are getting the opportunity to sail on Catamarans. We'll be there too.


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